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2022 December 10-11 BALANCING PAYMENTS FOR 2022-2023

Sat, 10 Dec




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2022  December 10-11 BALANCING PAYMENTS FOR 2022-2023
2022  December 10-11 BALANCING PAYMENTS FOR 2022-2023

Time & Location

10 Dec 2022, 14:00 – 11 Dec 2022, 18:00

Stonegate, Stonegate Village Hall, Forge Field Ticehurst, Wadhurst TN5 7ED UK

About The Event


YOU NEED TO HAVE ATTENDED MODULE 1 September 10-11 2022 to continue.


Module 1) September 10-11

Module 2) December 10-11


Module 3) March 11-12

Module 4) June 10-11

Module 5)  September 23-24      


1st payment at the time of booking

2nd payment due 4 weeks before Module 3


after attending Module 1 (in the same intake year)


Full payment of £1000 is required to continue at Module 2. 

Payment due 4 weeks before Module 2.

(Total cost £1250).

This option is payable by online banking only 

contact: for BACS details.


2 Installments of £510 each

1st payment of £510 for  Modules 2 & 3 is required to continue at Module 2 -  payment due 1 month before Module 2. 

2nd payment of £510 for Modules 4 & 5 is due 1 month before Module 4 

(You need to have attended Module 1 in the same intake year.)

(Total cost £1270)

Payment via this site includes a booking fee. 

To pay without the booking fee please get in touch  for online banking details. 


Cancellation of a booking on the Gong Practitioner Training Course* 

Up to 4 calendar weeks notice is needed to receive a full refund of the money paid less admin fees. Or the offer to transfer payment to another training led by Angela, subject to availability. Only one transfer is permitted per participant. 

Less than 4 calendar weeks notice  before the Course start date - no refunds as the venue is secured and paid.

(Including cancellation for reasons of illness). 

Single payments for a Workshop are non refundable. eg if you've paid for Module1 as a stand alone Introductory  Weekend.

If you've paid in full for Modules 1-5 and if Angela is running another Gong Practitioner Training at a later date, and there is a space, you may be able to transfer payment to that course. Only one transfer is permitted per participant.

Students on the Gong Course are expected to attend each Session of the Course in full, in order, as each session leads towards the next in terms of the work involved, and the group work that we do together. You cannot miss out a session and come back to it later!

If you are unable to attend all the modules one year and choose to  re-join the Course the following year (if there are spaces available), all sessions need to be attended again and the full fees paid.

The group dynamic is an important aspect of the Course – it’s a group journey as well as a personal one and your absence impacts everyone.

If there are restrictions during a pandemic, workshops and training weekends will be rescheduled and the fees are non refundable.

*** The Course refers to all Modules beginning at Module 1 up to and including Module 5.The Course start date is Module 1 weekend.

Suitable for beginners and those who have a little experience of playing the Gong therapeutically.

The College of Sound Healing Gong Practitioner Training Course is a CMA certificated training course held over five weekends within 12months. The Course is generally regarded as the premier Gong training course in the UK. It is suitable for complete beginners in Sound Healing and the Gong work. You do not need previous musical or Sound Healing training.

Completing  this course gives you the information, knowledge, tools and  qualification - acceptable anywhere in the world - to be a Gong  Practitioner able to treat clients in a therapeutic setting both on a  one-to-one basis or in groups.

The  Course was written for the College by Sheila Whittaker, who is the  senior College Gong tutor, and advisor to the College on all matters  gong-related. ​

The  world of the Gong and its use for healing is a fascinating and  relatively little-known subject. This Course aims to bring together and  impart as much relevant knowledge and wisdom, ancient and new, as is  possible in the time allotted for the Course. Some of this knowledge was  lost & has been rediscovered during the last  century. 

The Gong teachings are extensive and need time to be assimilated by the participants.This is best done in a Course run over the period of a  year, to allow more comfortable integration of the powerful energies  involved.

Participants  are guided throughout the Course by an experienced, caring, supportive  tutor, and encouraged to do their own reading and studies between  sessions to further promote their training. 

Angela  only takes a certain  number of students on the Course each year, so that she has the time and  opportunity to mentor each one individually. 

Students are allotted coursework and case studies between the formal sessions to enable them to practise working with  clients, thus honing their skills and techniques, and gaining confidence  and expertise before they venture into the world to offer their  services professionally. There is a short exam at the end.

Five practical, in person teaching weekends plus mentoring and individual attention throughout the course. 

Doing  the Course over the period of a year also enables the participants to  embark on their own healing journey with the gongs - to do their own  inner emotional and self development work - so that they can clear much  of their own "stuff" and clear their own energy vibration before they  start to treat others.

This is essential when you are working in a  therapeutic capacity - we need to be able to provide a strongly held  safe, supportive space for our clients, and know that when the gongs  inevitably do their clearing work during a gong bath, that we can be  fully present to support clients in their healing process.

Each participant will need access to an appropriate, quality gong by Module 2. Full information on choosing and sourcing a gong, is given at Module 1 when you have the opportunity to hear & play different gongs from Angela's collection.

At Module 1 you will:

• receive a Gong Sound Experience from Angela 

• play and experience different Gongs

• learn how to give a simple, seated Gong Sound session to family or friends

• discover some theory on the Gong and how they are made

• learn about different types of gongs, mallets & stands and where to source them

MODULE 1, CPD workshop and extra module for CoSH students.

DATES  2022-2023


1) September 10-11

2) December 10-11


3) March 11-12

4) June 10-11

5) September 23-24      Graduation Weekend


Please check the training dates carefully. Attending all 5 modules in full, in order, within the 12 months is a requirement for completion and/or graduation.

Once you have booked, if you find you are unable to attend a weekend, 1-2-1 Tuition may be possible, to make up the teaching. In this event, in addition to the £250 there is a SURCHARGE of £180 per day.

Only 1 weekend per course can be replaced in this way.

Students on the Gong Course are expected to attend each Session of the Course in full, in order, as each session leads towards the next in terms of the work involved, and the group work that we do together. You cannot miss out a session and come back to it later!

If you are unable to attend all the modules one year and choose to  re-join the Course the following year (if there are spaces available), all sessions need to be attended again and the full fees paid.

The group dynamic is an important aspect of the Course – it’s a group journey as well as a personal one and your absence impacts everyone.


Stonegate Village Hall, Forge Field, Stonegate, East Sussex TN5 7ED

Teas and light refreshments provided on both days.

Sunday: lunch not included. Please bring your own lunch. There is a kitchen for our use.

The 2 day course is non-residential.

Saturday 2pm-7pm 

Sunday 10am - 7pm

Thank you again for being such a wonderful tutor, you have given me bucket-loads of encouragement and a really refreshing connection with the gongs. I've really enjoyed being with the group and feel totally lucked-out that I was a part of it.

I'm not sure that words can convey how incredible this course has been…


Cancellation of a booking on the Gong Practitioner Training Course* 

Up to 4 calendar weeks notice is needed to receive a full refund of the money paid less admin fees. Or the offer to transfer payment to another training led by Angela, subject to availability. Only one transfer is permitted per participant. 

Less than 4 calendar weeks notice  before the Course start date - no refunds as the venue is secured and paid.

(Including cancellation for reasons of illness). 

Single payments for a Workshop are non refundable. eg if you've paid for Module1 as a stand alone Introductory  Weekend.

If you've paid in full for Modules 1-5 and if Angela is running another Gong Practitioner Training at a later date, and there is a space, you may be able to transfer payment to that course. Only one transfer is permitted per participant.

Students on the Gong Course are expected to attend each Session of the Course in full, in order, as each session leads towards the next in terms of the work involved, and the group work that we do together. You cannot miss out a session and come back to it later!

If you are unable to attend all the modules one year and choose to  re-join the Course the following year (if there are spaces available), all sessions need to be attended again and the full fees paid.

The group dynamic is an important aspect of the Course – it’s a group journey as well as a personal one and your absence impacts everyone.

If there are restrictions during a pandemic, workshops and training weekends will be rescheduled and the fees are non refundable.

*** The Course refers to all Modules beginning at Module 1 up to and including Module 5.The Course start date is Module 1 weekend.


Text book

Students require the book Sound Healing with Gongs £15 by Sheila Whittaker for the start of the course. 

Accommodation and travel costs. The course is non residential – students need to arrange their own accommodation if required.

Teas, tap water and nibbles are provided but students need to bring their own lunch.

At Module 2 students will need:

1. An appropriate quality Gong, mallet and stand

full information on choosing and sourcing a Gong &  accessories is given at Module 1 

2.Student Membership of the College, £35. (It covers you for two years)

3.Insurance for UK Student Members £35.50 per annum from College Insurers

4.Students will need to register with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) per GDPR 2018 ACT, before beginning their case studies after Module 2. About £40.

full information on 2,3 & 4 is given at Module 2

First Aid Course (required to graduate)

  • The First Aid Plus Online Course covers you      for 3 years and costs £35. Other First Aid Courses may be more expensive.

Graduation Certificate

There is a £10 fee for the College graduation certificate.


It’s helpful if students have already studied an energy or healing modality.Music therapy, counselling, holistic massage, complementary medicine, Reiki or yoga for example – however complete beginners are very welcome. We build the work in stages over each session so you will not be out of your depth.


Workshops usually begin with informal discussion followed by a group gong bath. Please wear comfortable clothes and bring slippers or indoor shoes. We will be shoe-free around the gongs. Bring whatever you need to be warm & comfortable throughout the weekend.

For the Gong sound experience, you will be lying on a wooden floor for about an hour – bring something very comfy to lie on plus a blanket/throw and a cushion.


Practical evaluations at Modules 2-5.

36 x 1-2-1practice treatments (Case studies) and a Group practice session need to be carried out and written up to complete the course.

Students also need to complete a 2,000 word essay.

There is a short examination at Module 4. A pass grade is required to graduate.

N.B. Full attendance at every session in order, within the 12months & completion of all the course work is required to graduate.


At the end of the course, if participants have satisfactorily completed the practice treatments, written work and Gong therapy evaluations, paid for & attended every session, and satisfied the tutor they have the qualities required to be Gong Practitioners, they will be presented with a certificate of competence by the College. 

In exceptional circumstances, the tutor reserves the right to curtail the training of any student considered unsuitable to be a Gong Practitioner. Exceptional circumstances might include, but are not restricted to: signs of mental illness, misuse of power/energy, inappropriate or disruptive behaviour etc.


After they have qualified College members are expected to do a minimum of 18 hours a year Continuing Professional Development. This will be discussed fully later in the Course.


The College occasionally provides bursaries for part of the tuition fees if a student is on a low income – please enquire with your tutor.

Book your place

  • 2nd Installment of £600

    2nd Installment due 4 weeks before Module 3 (All 5 Modules in 2 installments of £600 each.) Conditions apply. Payment vi this site includes a booking fee. To pay via online banking without the booking fee contact

    Sale ended
  • 2 installments of £510 each

    Modules 2-5 in 2 Installments of £510 each. 1st Payment due 4 weeks before Module 2 start date 2nd Payment due 4 weeks before Module 4 start date Conditions apply. Payment via this site includes a booking fee. To pay via online banking without the booking fee contact

    Sale ended



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07774 771397

based in rural East Sussex 

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