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GongSound Relaxation

Fri, 28 Sept


Downash Farm, Rosemary Lane

Floating on waves of sound it is a transformative experience of sonic bliss, a tune-up at cellular level. Please bring something REALLY comfy to lie on, a folded duvet works well, a throw, cushion and water to keep hydrated. Advance booking only. Booking via the website closes Thursday 21st pm.

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GongSound Relaxation
GongSound Relaxation

Time & Location

28 Sept 2018, 12:30 – 14:30

Downash Farm, Rosemary Lane, Flimwell, Ticehurst, Wadhurst TN5 7PS UK

About The Event

Group sessions are not recommended in the first and last trimester of pregnancy.

Flimwell Pilates Studio, The Farmhouse, Downash Farm, Rosemary Lane, Flimwell East Sussex TN5 7PS

The Farmhouse and Studio.

As you come down the track you will see a row of houses at the bottom of the hill. The studio is located in the very far left corner with a white glass door. Parking is to your right as you descend the track.

Parking As you come down the track, down the slope, the communal visitor parking is on your right at the end of the descent, by the field. Marked by a White Bee Hive. The studio is to your left, the very last building in the far corner.

From B2099 Ticehurst Turn Left at the Volvo Garage onto B2087 direction Flimwell and Hawkhurst and Dale Hill Golf Club

Pass the Cherry Tree Inn on left where the road becomes 1 way for a short section

Pass Dale Hill Golf Club on the right

Rosemary Lane is next left

Go down Rosemary Lane Pass Downash Court on left

Pass gates for Down Ash Lodge on left

The next left is the drive for Downash Farm

From A21 Flimwell From the traffic lights at Flimwell on the A21

Take B2087 to Flimwell and Ticehurst (Rosemary lane is about .7 miles on right from here)

Pass Old Wardsdown on right

Pass Bewl Bridge Close on right

Rosemary Lane is next right

Go down Rosemary Lane

Pass Downash Court

Pass gates for Down Ash Lodge

The next left is the drive for Downash Farm Floating on waves of sound it is a transformative experience of sonic bliss, a tune-up at cellular level.

Gong Sound Meditations, Relaxations, Journeys or ‘Gong baths’ are an experience of sound and vibration, like a deep massage of your entire being by waves of complex sounds that bathe and re-tune on every level.

Filling you with the message of wholeness and well being as your body draws in the sounds it needs to return to harmony.

Allowing yourself to be feeling and being and to have a rest from doing and thinking.

The Gongs bring many people a sense of deep relaxation, timelessness and renewal – all you have to do is let yourself drift with the sounds – in the moment they are unique and perfect for you.

Group sessions are not recommended in the first and last trimester of pregnancy.

Book your place

  • GongSound at Flimwell

    Sale ended



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